Table of Contents
The Constitution of Pakistan, approved in 1973, is an essential legal document that sets forth the principles and responsibilities of state. Of its numerous articles, Article 37 stands out as an inspiration to promote social justice and eliminate social ills. In this blog post we’ll delve deeper into this core provision; explore its key points, and understand its place in shaping a just and humane society in Pakistan.
Overview of Article 37 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Article 37 of Pakistan’s 1973 Constitution outlines clearly and comprehensively the state’s responsibility to promote social justice and eliminate various social evils that plague its society. This provision sets down clear directives outlining their roles in accomplishing such goals.
Article 37 States
37. Promotion of social justice and eradication of social evils.
The State shall:
- promote, with special care, the educational and economic interests of backward classes or areas;
- remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period;
- make technical and professional education generally available and higher education equally accessible to all on the basis of merit;
- ensure inexpensive and expeditious justice;
- make provision for securing just and humane conditions of work, ensuring that children and women are not employed in vocations unsuited to their age or sex, and for maternity benefits for women in employment;
- enable the people of different areas, through education, training, agricultural and industrial development and other methods, to participate fully in all forms of national activities, including employment in the service of Pakistan;
- prevent prostitution, gambling and taking of injurious drugs, printing, publication, circulation and display of obscene literature and advertisements;
- prevent the consumption of alcoholic liquor otherwise than for medicinal and, in the case of non-Muslims, religious purposes; and
- decentralise the Government administration so as to facilitate expeditious disposal of its business to meet the convenience and requirements of the public.
Key Points of Article 37 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Article 37 of the Constitution of Pakistan encompasses several key points, each addressing a specific aspect of promoting social justice and eliminating social evils. These key points include:
Promotion of Educational and Economic Interests: Article 37(a) requires the state to promote the educational and economic interests of backward classes or areas, recognizing the importance of equity in access to opportunities.
Education and Literacy: Subsection (b) directs the government to remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within the minimum possible period, ensuring that education reaches every corner of the nation.
Technical and Professional Education: Article 37(c) emphasizes the availability of technical and professional education, with higher education accessible based on merit, paving the way for skilled and competent citizens.
Inexpensive and Expedient Justice: Ensuring inexpensive and expeditious justice, as per Article 37(d), is vital for maintaining the rule of law and protecting citizens’ rights.
Just and Humane Working Conditions: Article 37(e) addresses the need for just and humane working conditions, with a special focus on the protection of children and women in employment, as well as maternity benefits for women.
Participation in National Activities: Subsection (f) promotes equal participation of people from different areas in national activities, including employment in the service of Pakistan, fostering a sense of unity and inclusion.
Prohibiting Social Vices: Canada pledges its support in order to eradicate social vices such as prostitution, gambling, drug use and dissemination of obscene materials; reflecting its dedication to moral values.
Regulation of Alcohol Consumption: Subsection (h) restricts consumption of alcoholic liquor for non-medical or religious use that violates cultural norms and religious traditions.
Decentralization of Government: Article 37(i) establishes decentralized government administration to expedite business operations and satisfy public needs and requirements efficiently.
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Crux of Article 37 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Article 37 of Pakistan’s Constitution stands as an affirmation of social justice, including equal access to education and opportunities, protection of vulnerable groups, and elimination of social vices. This provision serves as a reminder to state officials of their obligation to foster an equitable and humane society where every citizen can flourish and contribute their best talents for nation’s progress. Furthermore, it lays the groundwork for creating an inclusive and compassionate Pakistan by tackling critical issues like illiteracy, discrimination and social vices which threaten its progress.
Conclusion: Article 37 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Conclusion In summary, Article 37 of Pakistan’s Constitution represents a cornerstone of its national commitment to social justice and eradicating social evils. It represents our deep-seated commitment to building an equitable, inclusive, and compassionate society by addressing issues like education, working conditions, and prevention of vices that impact Pakistanis daily. This article serves as a reminder of constitutional principles which guide our country in creating an equitable, humane society aligned with peoples values and aspirations.